Fine line Tattoo PERTH

Fine line tattooing has become increasingly popular in recent times, and that’s thanks in part to technology that has made this type of tattooing possible. A fine line tattoo consists of distinct curved and straight thin lines that don’t have gradations in the shade or any color to represent the objects. The objects can be 3D or 2D for that matter which emphasizes the form, over regular tattoos that favor texture, shading and color. While they might appear simple, there are immense details in these tattoos but aren’t loud. However, areas of dots, solid color and lines can be used.

Fine line tattoos are done using a round liner needle, like the 3RL (three round liner), that has three needles located on the tip. That’s why fine line tattoos are far less painful than a traditional tattoo which often requires bolder and thicker lines as well as more time under the needle. Furthermore, there are many more design options with fine lien tattoos.


Also, unlike regular tattoos, fine line tattoos don’t require that the skin be penetrated deeper for longer periods to absorb the color. At the end of the day, fine line tattoos are less stressful on the body and heal sooner.

The challenge of Fine Line Tattoos for Artists

Now from an artist’s standpoint, the biggest challenge of doing this type of fine line tattoo is having a very steady hand. Not only do they need to be steady but also accurate. It can be tricky because making a mistake is easier than it is with a thicker line. So, the room for error is next to none.

A reputed tattoos shop should be able to provide you with precise fine line tattoos and varying choices. Having a reputation also means that you can be assured of quality work.